A 'Big' Project

July 16, 2023


I’m thinking of working on a “big project”. Something that can exercise my architecture, design and coding muscles. I’ve seen this article which is pretty cool: https://systemdesign.one/slack-architecture/ and I saw someone went from A-Z on how to create an ride sharing app, but I can’t find the link. I’m thinking of doing something similar. My initial idea is to work on an auction site…something like ebay. And the key is how to make it scale which would be the hardest part. My next post will be a breakdown of the work. I think for an MVP it would be the following: having a client access the site through the web. An user can create an account, browse a few listings, place bids and win the item(s). No payments. No testing for scalability. I think thats about it.


So this should be an interesting series. You’ll get to see how I start a project, my thinking process and how many times I backtrack. First lets create a more formal requirements doc and talk about the technologies used in the next post.